VIEW | 16 June 2018

Photos: Stan Dmytruk
Interview: Martin Hufnagel 

Where are you from, and where do you live?

I was born and spent my childhood in Lviv, Ukraine, but have been living in Calgary, Canada for the majority of my life.

What inspires you?

Graphic design and typography, music and album covers, science fiction, coffee. Roughly in that order!

Do you remember the first photograph you took that got you hooked?

Absolutely! Back in the summer of 2006 when I was visiting Ukraine, I brought my 3-megapixel Vivitar camera that wasn’t exactly high tech for 2006. On the trip, I got the opportunity to wander around the grounds of a semi-disused coal mine and take some photos of the machinery and structures there. Later on that trip, I got to take some dusk photos at a lake. I was hooked from then on!

Imagine that you’re at the airport, and you’re given a free flight. Where would you travel to and why?

Amsterdam, Copenhagen, or Barcelona. All cities I haven’t gotten the chance to visit yet. Besides, going to one of those puts me within easy reach of the others.

If you could go back in time to document a certain era, which one would it be?

A lot of my surroundings as a child were hugely influenced by the USSR dissolving and Ukraine gaining independence. I think it would be really interesting to visit those years and document the hardships, but also the profound sense of hope for the future that people experienced during those times.

The last song, album, or artist you couldn't stop listening to?

This is a tough one since I’m constantly listening to music, but lately I’ve been listening to Silver Wilkinson by Bibio a lot.

What are your plans for 2018?

Shoot more film, and more portraits. Get my work out there more. I also have a trip to Japan in the fall that I'm really looking forward to.

Thank you, Stan, for being part of THE WASTED HOUR.

See more pictures by Stan here: